Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Fall 1997

I was outside the Hole In The Wall, waiting for it to be time for me to rock out, when a big gray Ford LTD pulls up to the light. There in the front passenger seat was Harry. He was with the aint-it-cool posse and one of his lackeys was driving.

He turned his enormous head and looked over at me, and I knew that this was the guy who plays with action figures and eagerly awaits every sci-fi turd or second-rate remake, the Empresario of Exclamation Points himself, Harry Knowles!!!!!!!! Then he returned to a conversation with his cronies. I guess he was going to the Dobie to hang with Quentin Tarantino and eat nachos or something. Harry's beard is real weird because it is the same red color as his face, so all you can see is long hairs that stick out around the edges.



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