March 2000
I haven't updated this site in a while because I just haven't seen Harry. We went to the Alamo (site of my usual Harry sighting) on Sunday and finally saw "Man on the Moon". But Harry was no where in sight. He probably got some scoop on the Andy Kaufman action figure.
Anticipation does continue to grow, however, about the upcoming X-Men film. I've noticed that on the site now, they're analyzing the costumes everyone was wearing in the trailer. And questioning why some dude isn't shooting lasers out of his eyes.
Anyway, just wanted to let you "kids" know that I haven't given up on spotting Harry AND that we stand by our assertion that he's either going to have a heart attack or commit suicide when the X-Men movie comes out and it sucks.
More as this story develops. Hopefully we're have some sightings during the upcoming SXSW Film/Music/Interactive Festival and there's always the off chance that he might show up at ZXZW to accept the award that we're going to give him.
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